All About Swing by Dr. Swing, Part 2.
Who's swinging?
Swingers are completely normal everyday people. They live in your town, pass you on their way to work, shop at your local store. The only difference is that swingers have a longing for undemanding sexual intercourse with other open people.
Swingers are part of a lifestyle that includes many different sexual preferences. Even non-swingers can enjoy the lifestyle.
A study from 2014 shows that about 5% of adults in a relationship were in an open relationship where sexual intercourse with others was accepted. This would mean that in round numbers there are about half a million swingers in Sweden, almost an entire Gothenburg just with swingers.
You may be wondering how to recognize a swinger, what does a swinger look like.
Some are young, 20-30 years old. But in percentage they are quite few as young people tend to be single or to meet other singles. More common is that swingers are 30 years old and above.
They often have children who have moved away from home or teenagers who fend for themselves while the parents go off on secret adventures.
In addition to age, you will find swingers of all kinds. Short and tall, slim and curvy, businessmen and nurses, mao swingers are like everyone else.
Most of them live in a relationship, but there are also those who are single. However, it makes it easier to be in a relationship when you swing instead of being swingers. But there are many swinger couples who are happy to invite one or more extra singles.
Single women who swing are called "Unicorns" as they are as hard to find as finding a unicorn.
So even if you have not believed it, there are full of swingers in your city and in your vicinity without you knowing it. It just doesn't show on them unless they wear some symbol that shows they are swingers such as The Swing, Pink Pelikan, Pineapple or black ring.
Remember, swinging is about having fun. It doesn't always have to be about sex and swingers are not nymphomaniacs or sleep with everything and everyone. Many swingers like to have sex only with their partner but that others watch or that they watch others or simply like to stay in a luxurious and cozy environment with other swingers and have sex side by side.
Swingers respect the wishes of others and if there is someone they are not attracted to, a no is always a no and must be respected without hard feelings.
As a single person, you should only be attracted to one other single person and the chemistry should be right, but if it's a couple meeting another couple, it's four people where everyone should somehow be attracted to the others and the chemistry should be right between all four.
Of course, missteps can be made, but it is important to always be open with your partner and respect his views.
You may now be wondering if you would fit in the swinger world and as long as you are not rude and disrespectful then black is enough yes.
And you might also feel doubtful if you fit in because you might not feel that fit and fit but bodies come in all varieties and tastes are different. But the swinger world is also a good way for people to stay fit and fresh, and not only for their own sake, but also to increase their attractiveness among other swingers. Swingers are more likely to exercise and live and eat healthy, i.e. a healthy lifestyle.
Many have a leisurely sex life and "squeeze in" moments of short sex between all commitments, but as swingers you can relax without time pressure and just enjoy and live for the moment right then and there.