The 10 rules of swinging
What should you know about swinging before you try swinging with your partner? Here are the ten most important rules that every swinger couple should know and follow in order to have a good time switching partners.
Like any other human activity, swinging also has its advantages and disadvantages. A few basic fundamentals can make swinging fun and flawless every time.
One goes, both go
Come as a couple and leave as one. It is not preferable if one walks while the other is behind. Always walk hand in hand without leaving your partner behind. Swinging is safer and easier if both parties are comfortable hanging onto it. It's a team game. Not a solo affair.
Arriving on time also applies here. Showing up late to a party is a suspension. By the time you are inside, the night would be in full swing. You'd just stop making people who are already in the act feel awkward. You won't know where to fit in. Inform the host in advance if you will be late. Or you may not be invited again.
The swinger lifestyle is not a piece of cake. Sometimes it is complicated and complicated with many uncertainties and uncertainties. Courtesy is the key to easing up. Treat people the way you want them to treat you. Be sensible, considerate and understanding.
RSVP to invitations
Even if you don't want to participate, respond to all invitations. It's very annoying for a host if they don't know how many people are going to show up. Respond by phone or email and express your gratitude for the invitation.
Gift to host
Don't go to a party empty-handed. Ask the host what you can get for them. Get something racy or simple for the hosts every time you go to a swingers party. See, it's just like a regular party, right?
The Right Attire
Wear clothes that are practical and will keep you comfortable as the night goes on. Wearing a robe or a negligee is a good idea. Only take as much money as you need. Keep your bling, jewelry and other valuables to the bare minimum. Losing them will be a headache for you and a shame for the hosts.
Health and hygiene
Oral hygiene is a basic necessity for everyone. Bad breath or body odor is a big turn off for your potential partners. Shower and groom well before you leave for the party. Good cologne, perfume or body sprays give you the edge in the environment. The best way to enjoy the party is to freshen up when you get there.
Enjoy yourself
The whole idea is to have fun and enjoy your time there, so participate in activities that make you feel comfortable. Don't let anyone pressure you into doing something you don't like. This may be the most important. Approach every activity with an open mind and positive attitude. Fulfill your fantasies and enjoy yourself.
The right to say "NO"
This is the basic etiquette in swinging, the right to say no. It's simple and straightforward and polite to say no, thank you. Explanations and alibis are not necessary as these can embarrass and harm you. You shouldn't be afraid to decline an invitation. It's the only way to avoid doing something you might regret later. And that can only create more bad feelings and embarrassment.
Be a friend to everyone, even if you don't want to extend the night or have no interest in getting physical with anyone. You can get a feeling by being nice to the others in the community. They can put you through to people you might be interested in.
Swinging can be as refreshing, exciting and fulfilling as you can ever imagine. It opens a window to explore your favorite fantasies in safe mode. You and your partner can work out privately, but still enjoy another couple or get a group swing in just one evening.
Meeting new interesting people and making bold friends are potential side effects of swinging. Swinging also has the common positive effect of improving your relationship and personal life to a great extent. The positive feeling about yourself, your mate and your relationship is the most important factor while swinging.
Do's and Don'ts of Swinging