Hotwife- The lifestyle for you?
You may have heard of the term hotwife but don't really know what it means.
So let's explain a little more about what a hotwife is.
A hotwife is a woman who has sexual relations with her partner's consent.
The partner can be a passive participant or be at home while his partner/hotwife is out on dates with other men. If the man in the couple is not there, the encounters can be filmed or photographed to later be shown to the man.
The man can be the one who pushes and finds other sex partners for his hotwife or it is the woman herself who makes contact with other men and plans the meetings.
In a hotwife relationship, it is important to have mutual trust, communication and trust in each other.
The hotwife lifestyle is definitely not for everyone, but for many it is an exciting way to spice up their sex life and deepen the relationship.
Hotwife symbol is a symbol worn by the woman to give more or less clear signals that she is open to meetings with other men. The most famous symbol is the anklet or also known as the hotwife anklet. It can be a pure ankle chain but also with some type of symbol such as The Swing.
The man in the couple can be a so-called cuckold, which means that the man in the couple is humiliated in various ways. This can be verbal, psychological or physical. However, it is with the man's consent and that he ignites this arrangement himself. Most often, it means that the man the woman meets is a better and more well-equipped man/lover than her partner is, which the humiliated person then finds exciting.
If the man is not a cuckold, he is called a stag and the woman a vixen. So the stag and the vixen form a couple that in addition to the hotwife lifestyle.
Much of the excitement of the hotwife lifestyle is the planning and excitement before a date. Many meet other men via different sites on the net and others go out together in some place where the woman picks up another man.
In the podcast Alla våra ligg, in episode 259 you can meet Liw, who is a Swedish hotwife.