Rules at swingers club
These rules are from Relaxklubben but fit in all swingers clubs
1. Ask with words/gestures, not with hands!
You ALWAYS ask permission first. It can be through eye contact, gestures or simply by asking. Talk to each other!
2. A No always means a No!
If you are rebuffed by eye contact, gesture or someone saying "no thank you", you should immediately back off without questioning or being assertive.
3. Absolute camera and cell phone ban!
Leave your mobile phone and/or camera in the bar together with other valuables.
4. Zero tolerance to drugs.
If a member is found under the influence of drugs or using drugs in the premises, this results in lifetime exclusion.
5. Zero tolerance towards sex trafficking.
At the Relaxklubben, no sex whatsoever for any kind of compensation may occur.
6. Zero tolerance for drunkenness.
It is allowed to bring your own alcohol (stored at the bar), but intoxication is not accepted. Noticeably intoxicated members will be turned away from the venue.
7. Covered queues in the bar and lounge.
The bar/lounge is a free zone, you socialize here. No indulgence may take place here either. Shirtless is allowed.
8. What happens at the club stays at the club: 1
Respect the privacy of other members and NEVER contact anyone outside the club unless this is agreed in advance. This applies to all types of social media, sites and IRL.
9. What happens at the club stays at the club: 2
You should NEVER tell someone who hasn't been there what other guests are saying or doing at a party. This also applies to our guestbook, which is completely public - do not mention any other guest there!
Sense and etiquette at the Relaxklubben
Make contacts and arouse curiosity in the bar/lounge:
It is here, early in the evening, that you make connections and create and show interest. If you show up at 19.55, you don't give others or yourself a chance to get to know each other.
Use condom!
We recommend all guests to always use a condom at the club. If nothing else has been agreed, you must take it for granted that condoms apply.
Experience in the playrooms and socializing in the lounge.
In the playrooms we keep a lower tone of conversation and we are helped to maintain an erotic atmosphere by not talking about everyday things. The rooms are reserved for enjoyment and when it's time for a break we move to the lounge for socializing.
Do not follow anyone:
Don't follow someone around the club in silence hoping something will happen. Being shadowed is unpleasant.
Tell the hosts or those at the bar:
Please tell us right away, during the party, if someone is being too pushy or bothering you in any way! We want to be able to filter out visitors who don't measure up or lack respect, but to know who it applies to, we need help! This also applies to things that are "not that dangerous". Don't minimize your discomfort, there may be several people who feel the same and then all of a sudden it's a big problem!
Use the trash cans!
Place wrapping paper, paper towels and used condoms in the bins found in each room. Spray and wipe down beds, recliners and rocking chairs after you.