All About Swing with Dr. Swing, Part 6.
Different types of swingers
We are all different and so are swingers, they come in all different shapes and forms.
Here are some different types of swingers that you are sure to come across.
Not to place different people in different compartments and see all people as different stereotypes, but we can all be a little bit of each regarding the different types.
The most common types are soft swap, full swap and swayers.
These can then be divided into "same play room" or "different play rooms".
Swayers are ordinary people who sometimes swing, it can be for example when they are on holiday or if some exciting offer appears, but otherwise they are not swingers in the usual sense.
Ordinary people are called Vanilla. Vanilla stands for people with a normal sex life such as bedroom sex with only their partner and who do not spice up their sex life.
Voyeurs and exhibitionists are also common types within swingers.
As previously said, when you attend a party, it does not mean that you/you should have sex with others.
Many people just like to watch others have sex while others like to have sex with their partner while others are watching. Being in a cozy relaxed environment, hanging out with like-minded nice people etc.
Many beginners start by just joining in and watching for the first time and getting a feel for what it's like. When they then feel safe and warmer in their clothes, even though they don't have that many clothes ;), it becomes natural to take the next step.
Soft swapping is people who like to have sex with others but don't run the rope.
That is, they like foreplay and caressing between the parties, but not penetration, that part is left only to the permanent partner.
Other limits that soft swapping has are kissing and oral sex or maybe just the women playing with each other. It is up to each couple to decide their own boundaries and then share these with other swingers who, of course, respect these in true swinger spirit.
For many couples, kissing and sexual intercourse are something that for them is intimately connected and that they leave only to their partner, while other sexual activities are ok.
Soft swap can act as a foreplay for the couple who then at the party or at home devote themselves fully to each other.
So for many couples, soft swapping works best and they may not have to worry about jealousy to the same extent as full swap can involve. The most intimate thing stays between them, while caresses etc are ok and spice up their sex life.
You have probably figured out what full swap means. That means sexual intercourse and change of partners between the couples in full. However, even couples with a full swap can have their rules, such as no kissing, which many think has little to do with sex, but is more of a loving act between two people who love each other.
For many, seeing their partner having full sex with someone else can be very arousing. Seeing one's partner enjoying himself can bring pleasure to the viewer. Full swap can mean that everyone is in the same room or the same bed, but can also mean that the couples switch partners and have sex in different rooms.
Having sex in the same room means that everyone sees each other, you see your partner enjoying but also what the partner is doing and for many it can feel good to still have a little control. You can enjoy with others but also with your partner at the same time.
Others may prefer sex in different rooms as some may find it distracting to see and hear their partner having sex and find it difficult to focus on their casual sex partner. Another advantage of different rooms is that some men can get performance anxiety with other men. It becomes a competition to see who is the best and most persistent lover.
Some may also feel that they do not dare to let go and enjoy and be loud if the partner is on the other side and may get the impression that sex with the other person is better than with the partner. But in different rooms, the person can then relax more and let go without having to think that the partner can get jealous if there is moaning and pleasure.
Bisex in swing is common when it comes to women in between. Many swinger women are bi, bi-curious or party bi and it is a common occurrence at swinger parties, while sex between the men is not at all as common.