Sjundehimmelen i Malmö

The seventh heaven in Malmö

  • The association where the women decide and set our and their rules
  • Where you have to prove yourself worthy to participate
  • The house with freedom for everyone who enjoys socializing across all borders, and borders are set together when you meet
  • Meeting place as close to heaven as you can get.


At Sjundehimmelen, we have a wonderful family feeling with wonderful visitors.

But for everyone's comfort, we have a few rules that apply to us.

  • You do NOT talk to others outside the association about what happens inside us.
  • Full discretion applies, so everyone you meet at Sjundehimmelen is not mentioned outside the association.
  • Respect each other's privacy and show full discretion towards each other.
  • We are all different, that should be respected.
  • No thank you is always NO thank you with us and those who visit our association understand that.
  • NO ONE should feel forced to participate or do things they don't want to.
    You always ask beforehand if it is okay to join the game, or at least make eye contact with the person.
  • In order for everyone to feel safe, don't be clingy and chase a partner. It doesn't work, but show respect.
  • Cleanliness, good hygiene and protecting others and oneself is a matter of course. Condoms are available.
  • In the play area we are naked, alternatively wear a towel or sexy underwear.
  • Photography/filming prohibited
  • No alcohol or drugs allowed in Sjundehimmelen's premises, if you are under the influence you are simply not allowed in.

Rules for organizing GB

We arrange GB for those who want, to ensure and avoid misunderstandings you must contact us, if you have not visited us before, we want the woman to visit Seventh Heaven where together we go through how to arrange a GB as good as possible.

  • Always plan the layout together with us
  • Number of men/boys
  • Desires about boys/men age/appearance
  • Wingman, we require a wingman to be there to make sure everything goes right

Rules for the guys participating in a GB

Always remember to treat the women with great respect, you men are not there to satisfy your own lusts. Treat the woman with care and caution as she is a person with feelings and needs, not a sex object.

  • If you are not registered, you will not enter, you are not allowed to bring friends
  • ALWAYS use a condom
  • You are there to primarily satisfy the woman
  • A no is ALWAYS a no
  • Show consideration and respect, both to each other and to the woman
  • Maximum four guys at a time, those who don't participate have to wait their turn downstairs. That is, you must not stand and watch.
  • Keep your distance during play, i.e. a minimum of 50 cm from the woman so she gets an opportunity to have an overview of what is happening.
  • Always ask how the woman wants it, and respect this!
  • If you do not follow the rules, you will be immediately suspended from the association.

Everything so that our visitors feel safe when they visit us in a calm and safe environment.

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